Founded in 1922, we have been entertaining the people of Portishead for 100 years!
The inaugural meeting of Portishead Players was held on 29 November 1922. The first presentation was held on 13 February 1923 at the Assembly Hall on the High Street. Play readings and presentations continued at the Folk Hall, except during the war years, until, in 1972, we moved to the Somerset Hall where we have been ever since.​​​
Over the years, Portishead Players have continued to give quality performances, achieving no less than 17 NODA awards with a number of nominations.
The Players have also encouraged the younger generation through the formation of PYPs (Portishead Young Players) and some of these have progressed to fulfil their ambitions in the professional theatre.
In 2014 we introduced Mini PYPs for even younger players and, in February 2015, PYPs won their first award for Best Moment of Theatre for their devised piece, Eight Fifty, at the Bristol One Act Festival. Further awards and nominations were also received for their Happily Ever After ...? show, performed at the Bristol One Act Festival in February 2017.
We hope that you enjoy our performances and, if you would like to join us on a regular basis, patron and membership options are available.
We currently perform 4 shows a year, usually between October and April. We have a wide range of ways you can get involved. Backstage, on stage or front of house. If you can, sew, paint, sell raffle tickets, pass a bucket to an actor or simply sing like Pavarotti - then we'd love to hear from you!